9 Tips to Enhance Communication and Connection in Relationships

Deeper communication goes beyond surface-level interactions and involves conversations that build trust, understanding, and connection in all relationships. It's about being present, listening carefully, and sharing openly. T…

The Young Woman Archetype Inspires Energy and Creativity in Life

Exploring the Puella Archetype: A Perspective from Jungian Psychology We often hear the advice: follow your passions and live according to your values. But what if you’ve lost your way? What if life feels meaningless? Examining t…

When Your Partner is a Narcissist: Four Key Themes

Narcissists' negative traits, including arrogance, superiority, and lack of empathy, are becoming more widely recognized. They are often charming initially, but their toxic behaviors quickly emerge.   So, what is it like to b…

The Psychology Behind Fatherhood

Most research on parenthood has traditionally focused on how children benefit from having a father figure. However, more attention is gradually being paid to the value of fatherhood for men themselves. Not only do children benefi…

Picture Perfect? Mental Health, Social Media, and Body Image

When it comes to mental health, it's not the amount of time we spend on social media that matters, but how we use it. The idea that social media is harmful to teens' mental health is well known. There is growing research …

Improve Your Child’s Behavior with Games You Already Have

Developing social skills may be easier and more fun than you think. He lping children build impulse control and social skills can be an enjoyable process. In fact, many families already have the tools to do this, likely tucked aw…

Healthy Adult Narcissism: The Trait You Actually Do Need

In the media, narcissism is often portrayed by extreme personalities belittling others, power hungry behavior, and aggressive individuals. Seen this way, who would ever think there's a healthy side to what we usually view as …

When Our Kids Don’t Want to Talk

My desire to know what was wrong was exactly that: 'my' desire. What my child really needed was space. One evening, my child came home clearly upset his energy tense, his silence heavy. Trying to keep my own worry in chec…

Tips for Parents Supporting Teens With Misophonia at Home

Parents of teens with misophonia may struggle to understand what reasonable accommodations look like and worry that if they over-accommodate, their child may not be prepared for "the real world" outside the home. These …

There Are Two Kinds of Happiness, But Only One Stays

There are two types of happiness, but only one leads to lasting joy. Most of us get stuck in the first type and miss out on the second, which leaves us with lower levels of well being. The good news? You can change that. Short Te…

4 Important Messages Adults Need to Hear From Their Parents

I spend much of my professional time helping clients, both adult children and their parents, navigate the sometimes challenging and emotional aspects of parent-child relationships. While the details and situations vary, adult chi…

A Narcissist’s 4 Needs Versus Emotionally Intelligent Individuals

A narcissist’s primary four needs can clash with yours, especially if you possess emotional intelligence (EI). A narcissist typically has very different priorities compared to a truly emotionally intelligent individual. This diff…

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