
The Journey to Motherhood

Becoming a parent is challenging, and it's a topic that often goes undiscussed. Recently, a young mother and a student at my psychology institute shared her thoughts on the transition to parenthood. She has a 4-month-old baby…

The Crucial Role of Parents in Eating Disorder Treatment

Family involvement significantly enhances the effectiveness of eating disorder treatment. Un derstanding the complex nature of eating disorders and fostering open family communication is crucial in supporting the recovery process…

Life After Moving Out of Nest

How parents and social support help the transition in early adulthood. Sup port from real friendships is crucial at any age, but it can be especially impactful when young adults first leave home. This phase, known as "early …

Caring for an Aging Parent

Parenting is a challenging task. But what happens when the roles reverse and you find yourself caring for your aging mother or father? While we love our parents, feelings of frustration, anger, guilt, and helplessness can arise, …

What the Research Says About the Best TV Shows for Your Child

In an ideal world, children would spend every moment of their day engaged in educational and enriching activities, and parents would have no need for iPads or Netflix. However, in reality, screens are a part of most parents' …

How to Prepare for Childbirth: A Major Parenting Decision

As I write this article, I am seven months pregnant with my sixth child. Discussing childbirth fills me with both deep concern and great hope, as I see a growing recognition of women's needs and rights during this critical ti…

6 Reasons You Dislike Being Told What to Do

Understanding why we react negatively to others' demands can help us respond more effectively. Thi nk about how you feel when someone tells you to do something whether it's a boss, a partner, a parent, or anyone else. Cha…

Are Parents to Blame for Their Children's Misdeeds?

A couple in Michigan faced a 10-15 year sentence due to their child's involvement in a school shooting. S hould parents bear legal responsibility for their children's actions? What obligation do we have to recognize and a…

Why Social-Emotional Learning Matters for Kids

Doctors and teachers converge at the importance of social-emotional learning. D octors work in a developmental world. Peter, a little boy I first met in the newborn nursery, is now a lively four-year-old trying to hit me with my …

The Reminder: Life Assessments Among Youth at Record Low

The Disheartening Reality: Younger individuals express less contentment compared to older demographics. I  felt a sense of sadness, though not entirely surprised, upon learning that the United States had slipped from the 15th to …

3 Strategies to Support Children With Special Needs

Raising adolescents can be challenging. This phase is marked by fluctuating hormones, diminished logic, and genuine eye-rolling moments. Supporting a teenager with special needs involves catering to their specific requirements in…

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