
The 3 Most Kind Things You Can Say with Someone

Do you ever feel you've missed an opportunity to say something kind, perhaps depriving yourself and others of a moment of connection? Kindness is a potent force that can brighten someone's day, boost their self-esteem, an…

Transform Your Bad Habits Into Positive Assets

Bad habits, while often frustrating, hold the potential for personal growth and transformation. This article explores how to understand and convert these habits into positive behaviors. Unveiling the Hidden Purpose of Bad Habits …

7 Stages in the Deterioration of a Relationship

Many couples who seek therapy are at a breaking point. Problems and resentments have been building for a long time. The partner feeling most distressed often has a list of grievances and a sense of exhaustion, saying either, &quo…

How Writing Heals the Mind

Expressive writing is more than just recounting daily events; it's a powerful tool for creating meaning. It allows us to rewrite our life stories, positioning ourselves as the main character in control. It invites us to dwell…

How to Reflect on the Past Without Regret

How often do you think back to a past event, whether it was moments, days, or years ago, wishing it had turned out differently? It’s incredibly hard to recall that moment without feelings of regret overwhelming you. Maybe you sat…

Fighting Too Much?

You don’t want to fight, or even if you do, whether it is with a friend or your partner, you want to resolve it without it taking a significant toll. Here are four important steps to master to help you avoid fighting, and they do…

How Social, Mental, and Narrative Bias Influence Us

We all have biases, but we can minimize or even overcome them by being aware of them. Bias exists on a spectrum from unconscious (implicit and cultural) assumptions to explicit and deliberately manipulative ideologies. When proje…

The Foundations of Hesitation

Many of us have experienced the struggle to make positive changes in our lives, only to find ourselves falling back into old habits. Whether it's cutting back on coffee, sugar, alcohol, or starting an exercise routine, the pr…

To Elder Women Looking for Men on Dating Sites, Be Cautious

That person you fell for? He might not be who he says he is and may not even be real. I hate to break it to you, but that person you met online, the one you fell in love with despite never meeting in person the one who wants to t…

The Crucial Role of Parents in Eating Disorder Treatment

Family involvement significantly enhances the effectiveness of eating disorder treatment. Un derstanding the complex nature of eating disorders and fostering open family communication is crucial in supporting the recovery process…

3 Movies Praised for Psychological Accuracy

These three films accurately depict complex mental health conditions. Un derstanding the human mind can be challenging, especially when it comes to mental disorders. Unfortunately, Hollywood often struggles with this, leading to …

Why Do People Get Upset?: Autism, Dual Empathy, and Boundaries

"Why are people so angry with me?" This is a question I often asked myself growing up. Whether it was my frustrated elementary school teacher trying to get me to put on my shoes only to discover I chose not to wear them…

Who Is Rational and How Irrational Are We?

Research shows that most people follow simple rules or heuristics about half the time or more. Ma king sound decisions is challenging, and achieving the best possible ("optimal") outcomes is even harder. Instead, indivi…

6 Signs You're with the "Right" Partner

Discover the true meaning of a perfect match based on mutual love. In  challenging times when many Americans feel more single and lonely than ever, 60% of U.S. adults still believe in the concept of a soulmate. "Meant to be&…

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