
When Is Narcissism a Good Thing?

Interestingly, the editors of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) once considered removing narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) due to variations in diagnosis. However, NPD remains in the manual as …

Understanding Narcissism: A Closer Look

Narcissism is a highly debated topic in psychology. The term originates from the Greek myth of Narcissus, who fell in love with his reflection in the water and ultimately perished because he couldn't leave it. The concept of …

The Real Foundations of Narcissism

The essence of narcissism isn't just about superiority. When preparing to write this post, my goal was to highlight how narcissistic personality is largely misunderstood by the public. Most people I talk to about narcissism t…

Narcissism and Common Choices

Narcissism is linked to sexual competition through our evolutionary history. Al though we often distinguish narcissists from others, everyone has some level of self-absorption. If narcissism is partly a product of our evolutionar…

Narcissism is Thriving in America

Do you know the story of Narcissus? The very handsome figure in Greek mythology who, due to his detachment and disdain for others, was punished by the gods to fall in love with his own reflection. He was so captivated by his beau…

Celebrity Narcissism Might Be Unavoidable

Recently, Kanye West has proclaimed that he is "God's vessel," too busy making history to notice, and the voice of his generation. He also laments that his greatest frustration is not being able to watch himself per…

Is Narcissism on the Rise?

Is today's culture and parenting to blame for increased Narcissism? St udies on Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) indicate that Americans in their 20's are significantly more likely to have NPD than those over 60. C…

The Four Key Aspects of Narcissism

Narcissism refers to an inflated sense of self-importance and entitlement, a strong need for power, success, and admiration, and a sensitivity to criticism. However, narcissism is not a one-size-fits-all concept. A narcissist’s d…

Are Covert Narcissists Paranoid?

Are Covert Narcissists Paranoid? Covert narcissists, often misunderstood, can exhibit intense paranoia that reveals the underlying turmoil of their psyche. These individuals, who outwardly appear modest or shy, are actually deep…

Recognizing a Covert Narcissist Early in the Relationship

Recognizing a Covert Narcissist Early in the Relationship: My Personal Experience Entering a new relationship can be thrilling, filled with excitement and the promise of a new connection. However, it's crucial to stay alert …

When Does the Narcissist Bring Out the New Hidden Supply

When Does the Narcissist Bring Out the New Hidden Supply? Narcissists are notoriously manipulative, deceitful, and lacking in empathy. They thrive on control, validation, and adoration, often at the expense of those around them…

What Does Research Reveal About Older Narcissists?

Don't anticipate that satisfying a narcissist's desires will bring them satisfaction. It's widely acknowledged that as people age, they accumulate knowledge, kindness, and a greater interest in benefiting others. Whil…

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