
7 Types of Intimacy to Strengthen Your Relationship

We've all heard that intimacy is vital for the health of most long-term romantic relationships. But what exactly is it, and how can we nurture more of it? Researchers have found that when it comes to intimacy, it involves two…

7 Stages in the Deterioration of a Relationship

Many couples who seek therapy are at a breaking point. Problems and resentments have been building for a long time. The partner feeling most distressed often has a list of grievances and a sense of exhaustion, saying either, &quo…

To Elder Women Looking for Men on Dating Sites, Be Cautious

That person you fell for? He might not be who he says he is and may not even be real. I hate to break it to you, but that person you met online, the one you fell in love with despite never meeting in person the one who wants to t…

Embracing the Gradual Path of Real Change

Picture Barbra, a young professional who has battled procrastination for years. She hopes that one day she'll wake up different, ready to tackle her to-do list with newfound efficiency. However, change doesn't happen over…

Life After Moving Out of Nest

How parents and social support help the transition in early adulthood. Sup port from real friendships is crucial at any age, but it can be especially impactful when young adults first leave home. This phase, known as "early …

The 3 Key Stages of Love Bombing

Love bombing happens when someone overwhelms another person with too much praise and affection too soon in a relationship, aiming to control and rush them into commitment. A study of 484 young adults found that those who love bom…

6 Signs You're with the "Right" Partner

Discover the true meaning of a perfect match based on mutual love. In  challenging times when many Americans feel more single and lonely than ever, 60% of U.S. adults still believe in the concept of a soulmate. "Meant to be&…

3 Ways to Identify Chemistry and Compatibility Differences

Chemistry attracts, but compatibility keeps us together. Many people seek therapy burdened by disappointment and disillusionment from failed relationships. They might express: "I'm still reeling from the shock. Everythin…

The Mysteries of Non-Romantic Relationships

Valentine's Day offers a wonderful opportunity to celebrate heartfelt and non-romantic relationships. Va lentine's Day, often known as the Feast of Saint Valentine, is an annual celebration of love and affection observed …

Married to Two People: The Romantic Lives of Widows

Widows can fall in love, but these relationships are often complicated.   "As a widow, I highly recommend dating widows too!" — A widow Widows can develop romantic feelings again, but the relationship often involves a c…

3 Flirting Mistakes: Are You a Bad Flirter and Don't Know It?

Flirting is challenging because it involves conflicting motivations. On one hand, we want to express interest in someone and gauge their interest in us. On the other hand, we don't want to appear too obvious and risk rejectio…

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