
Are We Losing Our Sense of Common Humanity?

After the attacks of September 11, 2001, Americans came together in a way that was unprecedented. A wave of strong patriotism swept the country, with people displaying the American flag on their homes, cars, and everywhere possib…

Finding Comfort in Nature While Grieving

The Healing Power of Nature Spending time in nature can be particularly soothing during times of grief. If you already enjoy activities that bring you close to nature like walks in the park or tending to houseplants it's bene…

Married to Two People: The Romantic Lives of Widows

Widows can fall in love, but these relationships are often complicated.   "As a widow, I highly recommend dating widows too!" — A widow Widows can develop romantic feelings again, but the relationship often involves a c…

3 Flirting Mistakes: Are You a Bad Flirter and Don't Know It?

Flirting is challenging because it involves conflicting motivations. On one hand, we want to express interest in someone and gauge their interest in us. On the other hand, we don't want to appear too obvious and risk rejectio…

The Importance of Life Satisfaction Feeling Over Happiness

Why joy might not be the best indicator of your overall well-being.  The pursuit of happiness has become a widespread goal. Despite knowing that happiness can be elusive, our tendency to prioritize it remains strong. However, the…

What Self-Control Truly Means, and Why It Is Vital

Perhaps it's truly about placing oneself in conducive environments. Every year, nearly half of all Americans begin the year with a resolution to alter something about their lives. People set goals in an attempt to improve and…

The Reminder: Life Assessments Among Youth at Record Low

The Disheartening Reality: Younger individuals express less contentment compared to older demographics. I  felt a sense of sadness, though not entirely surprised, upon learning that the United States had slipped from the 15th to …

Exploring Justice Awareness

Being fair-minded can be a strength when effectively utilized. "Jennifer, daily life is tough!" I can still recall the frustrated expression on my teacher's face after I complained about the selection process for a …

Why Some Pursue a Dream Even When Success Seems Unlikely

Three anecdotes of midlife and mid-career reflection. It's not uncommon to witness mid-career professionals (often deeply entrenched in their fields) pivot to entirely different paths within a few months. We sometimes applaud…

Why Travel Is Beneficial for Your Relationship Health

The Benefits of Traveling Together and Four Tips for a Successful Trip. Feeling the urge for a getaway? Taking a week off could be the perfect escape from the daily grind. Just imagine: You could catch up on sleep, take a break f…

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