It’s common to think that lonely single people want to date and find romantic relationships, right? For single men experiencing loneliness, this tends to hold true. However, for single women, especially those who were previously …
"Throning" might sound like a trendy new term, but it actually describes an old pattern in dating. The term, gaining popularity among Gen Z, refers to dating someone mostly for the sake of status and boosting one’s self…
One of the most troubling feelings for many people is the sense of a lack of control. When we feel helpless or think we can't change our situation, we often let outside factors control our choices. For some, this external rel…
One of the most shocking moments in a relationship with someone who has untreated narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is realizing that your partner doesn't care if you're in pain or hurt. This can be very difficult f…
Positive indicators, or “green flags,” are uplifting signs in a relationship. Many people focus on the negatives or "red flags," which can sometimes seem easier to notice. However, for couples in long-term relationships…
Exploring the Puella Archetype: A Perspective from Jungian Psychology We often hear the advice: follow your passions and live according to your values. But what if you’ve lost your way? What if life feels meaningless? Examining t…
Narcissists' negative traits, including arrogance, superiority, and lack of empathy, are becoming more widely recognized. They are often charming initially, but their toxic behaviors quickly emerge. So, what is it like to b…
When it comes to mental health, it's not the amount of time we spend on social media that matters, but how we use it. The idea that social media is harmful to teens' mental health is well known. There is growing research …
Developing social skills may be easier and more fun than you think. He lping children build impulse control and social skills can be an enjoyable process. In fact, many families already have the tools to do this, likely tucked aw…
Parents of teens with misophonia may struggle to understand what reasonable accommodations look like and worry that if they over-accommodate, their child may not be prepared for "the real world" outside the home. These …
There are two types of happiness, but only one leads to lasting joy. Most of us get stuck in the first type and miss out on the second, which leaves us with lower levels of well being. The good news? You can change that. Short Te…
The far reaching benefits of growing up in a mentally healthy family. Ji m grew up in a chaotic home. His father was frequently away, and his mother, struggling with substance abuse, had little energy to care for him. His parents…