True Stories

Embracing the Gradual Path of Real Change

Picture Barbra, a young professional who has battled procrastination for years. She hopes that one day she'll wake up different, ready to tackle her to-do list with newfound efficiency. However, change doesn't happen over…

Life After Moving Out of Nest

How parents and social support help the transition in early adulthood. Sup port from real friendships is crucial at any age, but it can be especially impactful when young adults first leave home. This phase, known as "early …

3 Movies Praised for Psychological Accuracy

These three films accurately depict complex mental health conditions. Un derstanding the human mind can be challenging, especially when it comes to mental disorders. Unfortunately, Hollywood often struggles with this, leading to …

6 Signs You're with the "Right" Partner

Discover the true meaning of a perfect match based on mutual love. In  challenging times when many Americans feel more single and lonely than ever, 60% of U.S. adults still believe in the concept of a soulmate. "Meant to be&…

Narcissism is Thriving in America

Do you know the story of Narcissus? The very handsome figure in Greek mythology who, due to his detachment and disdain for others, was punished by the gods to fall in love with his own reflection. He was so captivated by his beau…

How to Prepare for Childbirth: A Major Parenting Decision

As I write this article, I am seven months pregnant with my sixth child. Discussing childbirth fills me with both deep concern and great hope, as I see a growing recognition of women's needs and rights during this critical ti…

Are Parents to Blame for Their Children's Misdeeds?

A couple in Michigan faced a 10-15 year sentence due to their child's involvement in a school shooting. S hould parents bear legal responsibility for their children's actions? What obligation do we have to recognize and a…

The Mysteries of Non-Romantic Relationships

Valentine's Day offers a wonderful opportunity to celebrate heartfelt and non-romantic relationships. Va lentine's Day, often known as the Feast of Saint Valentine, is an annual celebration of love and affection observed …

Are We Losing Our Sense of Common Humanity?

After the attacks of September 11, 2001, Americans came together in a way that was unprecedented. A wave of strong patriotism swept the country, with people displaying the American flag on their homes, cars, and everywhere possib…

Married to Two People: The Romantic Lives of Widows

Widows can fall in love, but these relationships are often complicated.   "As a widow, I highly recommend dating widows too!" — A widow Widows can develop romantic feelings again, but the relationship often involves a c…

Exploring Justice Awareness

Being fair-minded can be a strength when effectively utilized. "Jennifer, daily life is tough!" I can still recall the frustrated expression on my teacher's face after I complained about the selection process for a …

7 Essential Factors to Consider When Dating Someone New

When you're exploring a new relationship, it's crucial to pay attention to certain signs. The initial stages of dating can be thrilling and optimistic. Everything feels fresh and full of potential, and you're eagerly …

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