
7 Types of Intimacy to Strengthen Your Relationship

We've all heard that intimacy is vital for the health of most long-term romantic relationships. But what exactly is it, and how can we nurture more of it? Researchers have found that when it comes to intimacy, it involves two…

To Elder Women Looking for Men on Dating Sites, Be Cautious

That person you fell for? He might not be who he says he is and may not even be real. I hate to break it to you, but that person you met online, the one you fell in love with despite never meeting in person the one who wants to t…

The 3 Key Stages of Love Bombing

Love bombing happens when someone overwhelms another person with too much praise and affection too soon in a relationship, aiming to control and rush them into commitment. A study of 484 young adults found that those who love bom…

The Mysteries of Non-Romantic Relationships

Valentine's Day offers a wonderful opportunity to celebrate heartfelt and non-romantic relationships. Va lentine's Day, often known as the Feast of Saint Valentine, is an annual celebration of love and affection observed …

Married to Two People: The Romantic Lives of Widows

Widows can fall in love, but these relationships are often complicated.   "As a widow, I highly recommend dating widows too!" — A widow Widows can develop romantic feelings again, but the relationship often involves a c…

The Smart Way to Find a Life Partner

Many people dream of a committed relationship but end up wasting years dating the wrong people. I began to reflect on this issue after several clients experienced this problem. These were attractive and capable individuals who co…

Why Happy Couples Cheat

A strong marriage doesn't guarantee fidelity. Sometimes, the root cause of infidelity in healthy relationships is low self-esteem. Infidelity, a prevalent act throughout the history of marriage, remains poorly understood. We …

7 Essential Factors to Consider When Dating Someone New

When you're exploring a new relationship, it's crucial to pay attention to certain signs. The initial stages of dating can be thrilling and optimistic. Everything feels fresh and full of potential, and you're eagerly …

3 Strategies to Strengthen a Relationship Break-Up

How to navigate a separation with your partner. "Finding joy in embracing and releasing love." - Elizabeth Berg. Maintaining close relationships can be quite challenging in the long run, often leading some couples to co…

How to Be a Better Gift-Giver to a Partner

Moments that reveal and shape the relationship. Much of our inner thoughts revolve around ourselves what's going well, what we're worried about, what's on our agenda. Gift-giving occasions are rare instances where our…

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